One of the most beautiful way to work with plant teachers. Very demanding, is a combination of walking on an empty stomach and consuming entheogens. You can be surprised how different this experience is from the ceremonial circle by the fire. This is not an easy expedition, it is a litmus test of physical condition and mental strength. Psychedelic session in nature.

For the last one and a half years I have facilitated many sessions with a cactus in an extraordinary, magical place near the village of Paru Paru in the Cusco region of Peru. It is always amazing, beautiful, developing and enriching experience for me. I had the opportunity to invite and lead others to this experience and I am very grateful that there is a place in the world where it can be done legally. I feel that I am an ally of the plant, I help it be consumed by people. It is possible that the absolute, divine consciousness that is dormant in plants directs the whole situation. It is a road full of doubts, confronting old beliefs, opinions and stereotypes, but rewarding.

From the psychologist’s point of view, it is important for me to answer the question: What can be learned from such a session and adapted on a daily basis? How can this session improve our well-being? The operation of plants with psychedelic properties does not give definite answers immediately, but often begins the process of changes that lead to being a better version of yourself. Each of the plants has its own specificity and works in a slightly different way, depending also on the context in which it is used.

The cactus opens the heart, the effort in the mountains opens the body, through the body and the heart goes the process, obtains a deep insight. Tired body and open heart, so there is nowhere to escape from oneself, the ego’s defense mechanisms cease to function. Hidden, forgotten, repressed feelings come to the surface, you can experience them again. There are also new thoughts, philosophical concepts, it is a cognitive view from a different perspective, from a distance. Cactus also works in the body, passes through the intestines, through the stomach, is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic.

The cactus causes holistic cleansing in the physical body, emotional sphere (emotions, feelings) and the mental sphere (cognitive processes). The key components of the session significantly affecting subsequent results are sincere intentions and trust in the process. There are no conscious results without conscious preparation for the session, answering the question why I want to work with plants. A long-term change is also not possible without integrating the psychedelic experience. I am talking about many topics here, but now I just want to point out that the session with the psychedelic plant has the characteristics of a holistic treatment.

A session with a cactus San Pedro can also improve our relationship with nature. Many of our diseases and problems result from broken relations with nature, lack of harmonious coexistence with her. As a species, we have already crossed the border of the delicate balance of using the planet’s renewable resources for a long time.

During my journey to self-acceptance, to love myself, to make my dreams come true, to overcome my weaknesses, in short – to work on myself that lasts and will last I have the most difficulties with my impact on the environment and helplessness which I experience realizing how little influence as an individual I have. I see defense mechanisms that help me not confront negative emotions and let me not work on changing non-ecological behavior patterns. The subject comes back to me like a boomerang, it appears in every consideration and I can not omit it any more. I can see the environmental costs in each of my behavior: airplane flight, meat dish on the plate, the way I earn money, travel, the choices I make every day. I like to be active. I am thinking about the next projects that I would like to develop also in the context of environmental costs and I come to the conclusion that there is no activity that has zero impact on the environment. So how to continue to manage my life to stay in harmony with nature and not destroy it irretrievably?

San Pedro responds: nature, the environment, the planet is a great psychedelic art gallery, the creator is a genius artist with a sense of humor.

San Pedro touches feelings: it sensitizes and releases beauty. Literally I can feel that everything is connected – water, earth, air, you, the cosmos, no boundaries, unity exists and permeates.

San Pedro wipes away the desires and temptations of “more”.

San Pedro gives a simple advice: want less, do less, work less. Enjoy more with simple things.

Be calm, redefine thinking, experience emotions, change behaviors.

Asking plants can be compared to asking a friend for advice. I want to listen the advice of my friend’s cactus. My integration is in progress and when doubts come to me and I stand at the crossroads I return to these teachings and derive strength from them.

Photos were taken around the lagoon of Kinsa Cocha, Peru 2018 – 2019.
Text written during the lunar new moon in cancer sign, Poland, July 2019