Ecuador, 2016
Huachuma (San Pedro), containing mescaline cactus from a fast-growing family, is known in the folk culture of “healers” on both sides of the Peruvian – Ecuadorian border plant as a plant that is a teacher, a holy medicine, abuelo an grandfather. It provides strong male energy, adds comfort and relief. It is said the effect is similar to “a hug from a grandfather”; properly applied it is a cure for depression, addiction and trauma.
Sometimes treated, sometimes collected and cooked, collectively consumed with due respect, always generously, always far away from civilization. Raising awareness of the senses, light, colour and form. The lesson focuses on the state of peaceful happiness, for which data are shown, shown at the moment, an unregistered real fancy of eternity, and at the same time continuously repeated in cycles. We learned directly from rivers, waterfalls, rocks, waves and plants. Images flowed in the environment, shapes pulsed and lost their borders. Stripped of rational mind control and naming of individual elements, I registered psychedelic stains, designing my inner content myself. Seeing became a trance.
Fractal live

Sand molds

Clean river, source of life

Rock base